

A Complete Guide To Silverfish Pests

The name might mislead you into thinking that these insects are related to fish: far from it. They actually got this name from their silvery colour and the fish-like appearance of their movement. Introduction Silverfish, otherwise known as fishmoths are small wingless insects that feed on starches, sugar, dextrin in adhesives and other carbohydrates/polysaccharides. Although […]

A Complete Guide To Wasp Pests

Although important in some instances – such as farming where they control the population of other harmful pest insects – wasps are very dangerous when they show up at your home. Wasps are dangerous because they sting. And unlike bees that only sting once, wasps can sting repeatedly. To some people, this sting could be […]

controlling cats

Cat and Dog Control – The Options

Having a cat or dog problem can be frustrating, especially when you do not have any pets of your own. When these animals are wandering around your neighbourhood, it can be a full time challenge to try to discourage them from accessing your garden. You may find that these animals can become a nuisance because […]

New Zealand Indoors Summer Insect Pests

Summer means warmer temperatures and warmer temperatures mean more bugs. Bugs reproduce at a higher rate during summer making them a bit more difficult to manage. Insects make your home uncomfortable to live in. They may not cause any harm to you, but just having them around is enough to annoy you – maybe even […]

Common NZ Pests Quick Facts

Ants Ants are a big problem because of their massive numbers and they tend to invade homes during the hottest weather. Ants can enter a home through the smallest of cracks and leave invisible scent trails for others to follow. They can make nests anywhere near your home including under your home’s foundation and can […]

Pest Control For Winter

Many pests will be looking for a safe haven over the winter season and many of them will seek refuge in your home because it is warm and provides them with a safe haven from the elements. Mice like to nest in basements and attics and can cause a serious amount of damage to your […]

Spray and Go – Top 10 Benefits. Spray and Go is a multipurpose formulation that clears mould, moss, mildew and algae. This formulation contains no bleach, is bio degradable and is completely safe and easy to use. It can be used to clean timber, concrete, decks, plastic, canvas, bricks, tiles and many more surfaces. Results can be seen within 24 hours […]

Pestrol Rodent Free

Tips to Prevent Pest Problems Around the Home

Pest problems are often better dealt with by prevention so that infestations do not get out of control. When weather becomes warmer, certain pests are attracted to our homes because we tend to have a lot of food out for barbecues and we tend to eat outdoors more often. It is important to take all […]

Pests – What to Watch out for in Summer

With summer here, many of us will be spending more time outside and at home. Many bugs will start to hatch in the spring or wake up from a dormant state. As the weather becomes warmer, you will start to notice more bugs around your home. Bugs are not really bothersome for the most part; […]


Common Pests and Pest Control Products for Canterbury

When you have a pest problem the one thing that you have in mind is getting rid of your unwelcome guests.  Some pests are harmless but annoying while others can cause real damage to your home. The main thing to keep in mind is to be able to identify pests and then deal with them […]

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